Point Defect-A crystal defect that is an impurity, such as a lattice vacancy or an interstitial atom. 点缺陷-不纯净的晶缺陷,例如格子空缺或原子空隙。
The author conducts a complete and detailed theoretical analysis on the causes of raised grain defect during the fabrication of lattice mesh plate in the numerical control small punch spinning drying equipment in the article. 文章就数控小孔冲床加工纺织烘干设备中帘子网眼平板产生波浪纹缺陷的原因,进行了全面、详细的理论分析。
Elements Bi and Sb substitute for element Pb in galena. So there must be some defect in the crystal lattice of galena. By means of this crystal-chemical characteristic, it is shown that the Ag-content is not directly proportional to the content of Bi and Sb. Bi和Sb在方铅矿中替代Pb时,方铅矿晶格有缺位,这一晶体化学特征可解释在方铅矿中Ag与Bi、Sb含量间不一定呈正相关。
The results of XRD show that the point defect make the lattice distortion of R phase induced by electron irradiation. XRD结果表明电子辐照造成了R相点阵畸变,随辐照注量的增加有增大的趋势。
It is considered that the above behaviour is caused by the enhancement of lattice defect and the chemical potential of lattice oxygen in the catalysts with the increase of x. 对CH4反应x为0.2.这是由于随x的增大,催化剂晶格缺陷增多,晶格氧的化学势增大而造成的。
The ubiquitous defect inhomogeneity, lattice mismatch and stress field pinning in high T C superconductors are discussed. 讨论了高温超导体中普遍存在的缺陷、不均匀性、晶格失配及其应力钉扎等问题。
By considering the defect structure in perovskite lattice, it was confirmed that a oxygen bonding weakly with the lattice oxygen vacancy of perovskite was the active oxygen species in catalytic oxidation. 在考虑晶格缺陷的基础上,认为以弱键和钙钛石中氧空位给合的α氧是这个催化体系中的活性氧种。
The lattice strain increases with milling time. It changes fast when the deformation of the powder is easy. When the density of the lattice defect reaches to a certain extent, the increases of the lattice strain with become slow. 晶格应变随球磨时间而增加,在粉末易变形阶段晶格应变变化较快,当粉末中的缺陷密度积累到一定程度时,晶格应变随球磨时间的变化大大减慢,趋于某一极限值;
The defect microstructures such as the stacking faults, ( 100) deformed twins, domain structures, intersecting gliding of the crystal plane and the boundaries, as well as the lattice distortion in minerals of eclogite demonstrate the rapid exhumation of UHP rocks. 在榴辉岩矿物中广泛发育的层错、(100)变形双晶、晶畴结构、界面与晶面的交叉滑移、晶格畸变等变形构造及缺陷结构,指示超高压岩石经历了快速折返。
In the case of the essentially consistent composition of pelagic globigerina oozes, however, the variation is most likely to be controlled by the crystal types, lattice defect forms and impurity ions in the crystal lattice of ( foraminiferal) shells formed under different climatic conditions. 在远洋型抱球虫软泥物质组成基本一致的情况下,其变化特征极有可能受到不同气候条件下形成的有孔虫壳体的晶体类型、晶格缺陷形式、杂质元素的控制。
A new type of defect lattice in the Al-Ni system Al-Ni二元系中一种新型缺陷点阵
Among them, point defect is an important kind of lattice defects. 点缺陷是一类非常重要的晶体缺陷,它们的产生、运动与相互作用,以至于聚集或消失,都影响着金属晶体的基本性质。
Relationships between the Defect Lattice and the Acidity of HMX Crystals HMX的晶体缺陷和酸值的关系
The changes of point defect concentration in the crystal lattice, phase transformation stress from Fe_3O_4 to FeS_2 and sub-boundary behaviors in the FeS_2 grains can be considered to be responsible for the changes of microstructure parameters with the sulfurizing time. 可以用点缺陷浓度、相变应力及亚晶界运动等因素分析Fe3O4向FeS2转变过程中的微观组织参数变化规律。
Firstly, by using frequency independent PWE method, 2D dielectric photonic band structures in simple lattices, complex lattices and defect lattices were calculated respectively. Two types of 2D complex lattice photonic crystals, which owned 2D complete photonic band gaps were investigated. 首先,利用频率独立的平面波展开方法计算了简单晶格、复式晶格以及含有缺陷的二维电介质光子晶体能带结构,并且研究了两种具有二维完全光子带隙的复式晶格光子晶体。